Friday, December 23, 2011

What could be better than word-of-mouth marketing?

A co-worker purchases a luxury vehicle you’ve had your eye on for months. The television ads glorify how it handles curves and sports the latest technology to make your driving experience sheer pleasure. The new car owner swears it’s a better car than any other luxury vehicle she’s checked on the market.

You’re tempted. It looks good; it drives great, what else could you ask for?

But, how many times have you purchased a large ticket item based on word-of-mouth alone?
Typically, consumers purchase big budget products and services after they do their homework to make certain it’ll fit into their lifestyle and budget.
After satisfying your objections through research and a few more probing questions from your co-worker, you might clear up any objections and decide your only difficulty lies with making the color choice.
Business-to business buyers are no different than consumers, they enjoy hearing or reading a raving testimony about how a product or company made a positive impact to their needs. In contrast, they may require additional information prior to reaching final purchasing approval and turn their attention to success stories.

Why make the extra effort to acquire success stories?
B2B companies using expanded customer testimonies in their sales presentations discover a smoother path through the sales cycle because it reduces the buyer's need to scramble around checking references.
Success or customer stories provide the benefits associated with choosing the company, product or overall experience. If a brief testimony states, “I love this company”, the success story elaborates on the pleasing experience.
Normally, it discusses problems or issues the company faced prior to working with the seller. With engaging quotes from happy clients and solid results placed effectively throughout the study, seller's demostrate how their solution sufficiently covered the buyer's needs.
These stories may not work for every industry, but there’s no denying that customers love a good story.

Chamois Lopez is an independent copywriter and ghostwriter specializing in food industry marketing. She produces benefit-driven content for articles, brochures, case studies and website pages to generate quality leads and sustain brand recognition for companies across the nation. If your company seeks solutions to trim your sales cycles and maximize ROI, contact her at (562) 982-9058 or email chamois (at) to discuss your next copywriting project.

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